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Who we are

STEM Project – SP1A1

For now it’s me, Professor Alberto Romano Schiesari, supported by my two daughters. But the goal is to grow so that we can extend the scope of this website and its products as much as possible, and thus be able to foster interest in science and the scientific method in the minds of young people who need to decide which career path to pursue, or anyone else. who wants to know a little more about not only science, but how it interacts with the real world and people’s daily lives.

All this website can do for every reader-user is a small and modest contribution to making this troubled world a little better. This world in which science continually seeks to create new things to bring pleasure, comfort and tranquility to human beings, but which political leaders and power owners insist on using for inhuman purposes.

Unfortunately, the control of what science produces is divided between the genius of scientists and the bestiality of these leaders. Here is recorded the wish that science can always be ahead of evil, and the only way to try to ensure this is to spread STEM and encourage new generations to make good use of everything that this line of action represents.

Alberto Romano Schiesari

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It’s a very interesting story!

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